Avoid cotton clothing, as it tends to get wet and stay wet – not to mention taking valuable warmth from your body’s surface. For rafting, bathing suits and shorts are recommended with comfortable, secure footwear. While not required, we do provide wetsuits, splash jackets, and booties at no additional charge. This equipment isn’t mandatory but it is designed to keep you warm. Towels are best kept in your vehicles at the office and don’t do you much good on the river because there is no way to keep them dry. For rafting and other activities your best bet would be materials such as wool, polypro, fleece, micro fleece, polyester, waterproof jackets, and any other outdoor material that dries fast. There is limited space on the rafts, so you should limit what you bring to what you can wear. Personal flotation devices (PFDs) are included with all rafting adventures and helmets on all Blue River trips. If you have any questions please give us a call and we can give you information so that you know what to expect and can plan accordingly.